Product Description
Sonic 3000C Ultrasonic Leak Detector Contact Probe Kit Contact probe ultrasonic problem solver kit: includes rechargeable detector, carrying case, recharger, and contact probe.The contact probe is valuable for locating internal leakages of water, air, hydraulic fluids, or steam within piping systems. Small leaks can remain intermittent for some time but at some threshold point (about 150 milliliters per minute per inch of pipe for water) begin to grow rapidly making repair more difficult and costly.Steam leaks can be the most destructive and most rapidly growing. As a result all seals, valves and traps along piping systems should be monitored on a regular basis. Because of the high energy level of steam trap leaks the Sonic 3000 should be set initially at about half of normal calibration sensitivity. The remaining leak types should be monitored with the Sonic 3000 at the same sensitivity setting used with the air probe at full calibration.After setting the Sonic 3000's gain, a survey should be conducted of similar valves and traps, listening carefully to the sound and recording the meter readings. Fluid leakage will be evident as a strong rushing sound and higher than normal meter readings. It is important to use the same spot on large valves when testing, however, on small valves and traps the probe is so sensitive that this may not be necessary.The contact probe has a high and low sensitivity setting. (The red dot indicates high.) Low pressure steam settings usually require the high setting, while high pressure steam or excessive pipe vibration may be more easily checked with the low sensitivity setting.The degree to which a trap is operating can be estimated by first placing the contact probe on the inlet side of the piping and adjusting sensitivity to 100% of full scale deflection on the meter. When the probe is placed on the discharge side of the trap, the Sonic 3000 meter reading will tell you the percent the trap opens and closes.